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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Radiation Treatment First Week

This was the first weekend I saw my father after his treatments were started. We found out he has stage 3&4 cancer in his lungs. The cancer is not in any other organs, so I will try to remain hopeful.

I have NEVER seen my father tired to the point, he could not get out of bed. This weekend he was so tired he could hardly turn over in the bed. When I first came in the room, he was sleeping. He looked so weak. He opened his eyes and asked who I was. I smiled at him and looked at his girlfriend. After he was able to think clearly he remembered me. I wanted to ball. I wanted to cry so badly, but he started crying. This made me clear up and put on a strong face when I was crying inside. His girlfriend told him to stop crying, but I told him it was okay. I told him I would cry with him if he wanted. I soon placed the blanket  over his feet and walked out of the room.


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