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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Take Kids To The Doctor

 Many of you know about my daughter Alison.  Alison is sick quite often.

Alison has been sick at least two times in the last 2 months. This time we were a few steps away from pneumonia. Her birthday is on Saturday. I really hope she's better by then...Here are a couple of pictures from the hospital yesterday.

 We sat in the hallway for three hours. She was okay after a random woman walked by and gave her a cute blanket. This picture was taken before or it could have been after we got our ex-rays. At any rate before we walked out, she managed to add one blanket and a pink shark to her collection of toys. Even managed to get into a friendly argument with a police officer over the blanket ! He told her it was his, and she was like nope! That's my blanket!

This was when we made it to the hospital. Alison has had pneumonia before and bronchitis quite often. This bronchitis came down really fast. She was coughing Tuesday night. Yesterday after we woke up she was still coughing and she said she couldn't breath. I gave her some medicine about 6 in the morning and it didn't work. So I went out and purchased children's NyQuil. A hour or so later she started having fever and her breathing was still off. So, I decided it was enough. I had tried two different meds and she wasn't getting better. I took her to the ER. They told us it was almost pneumonia after they finished a series of chest ex-rays. If I had waited one more day she could have been a lot sicker.   

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