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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Any Tips From Mothers?

I just finished feeding Alison a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She didn't feel like eating it, but I made her eat at least half. Her coughing isn't as bad as it was this morning, but her energy level is still down. I remember one of her old doctors telling me that coughing wasn't a big deal. She doesn't have fever, but the coughing still alarms me. I put a vapor rub on her chest about thirty minutes ago. I think the main concern with Alison is making sure her cold doesn't turn into something larger. She's come a long way since Friday, but the cough will not go away. She was able to go to school yesterday. Today they had a Grinch party and she missed it. She was pretty upset about it. I think her main problem is eating. I'm willing to bet she isn't eating at school. I have a hard time getting her to eat at home. How do you get kids to love food? What should I do? Has anyone dealt with any situations similar to mine? 

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