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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Well Today I Got My Review

I have to say my review made  my day. While my writing isn't perfect ..the reader likes my book. He or she thinks that I have the potential to be a very good author…That's really cool because I love writing. I never guessed I would see 4 out of 5! I held off on writing book two because I wanted to see how The Alien Recruitment would do. It's the only book that I have a review on , and I think it's my best. When I was writing it something just clicked! I'm so happy that I was able to do it with all of you. In book two...I plan on bringing Earth back into play. So, if you want to see my review and cheer for me!! I will post the link below. This is a great day for me, because I have reached out to a group of readers...and connected.

Thank you for being you! If my reviewer happens to read this blog...I want you to know...your review means the world to me.

If you want to read the review....

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