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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Father's Day

Tomorrow is Father's Day, and I'm not sure what we will do for Jon. He has been so stressed out, so I hope we can find something. I hate seeing him like this. I'll get with the girls and maybe we can make him something. Now I trying to think of a way to get rid of Ariana's  biscuits without making her sad. She gave me two...I ate one, but the other one was hard ! I tried to eat most of it! I hope that counts for something, but her feelings are so easy to hurt. If she sees any of it on the plate she will think she failed at it. I want my children to think they can reach the I will tell her.." Hey I know another really cool way to make biscuits. My mom did it this way." She will want to learn the new way, which will be the right way, and it will help her to understand, and at the same time save her feelings. She wanted to make them this morning soooo bad. I love my kids, I don't know where I would be without them. goes the mommy spin!

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